AMAKS "Novaya Istra" Moscow region
En Ру

Reviews | Page 10

A good place to relax with children. Polite and attentive staff. Varied food, delicious food, good choice. The territory is well-groomed, lots of greenery, amazing polyphony of birds, wonderful air. Good conditions for playing with children, animators work. Cozy rooms, regular cleaning. There are all conditions for a good rest. Thanks!


A good place to relax with children. Polite and attentive staff. Varied food, delicious food, good choice. The territory is well-groomed, lots of greenery, amazing polyphony of birds, wonderful air. Good conditions for playing with children, animators work. Cozy rooms, regular cleaning. There are all conditions for a good rest. Thanks!


I really liked the sanatorium! This is the best place in the Moscow region of all where we have been before. A very convenient system of payment for services at check-out. You don't have to run and pay for every procedure. The room is super, the insulation is excellent. Pools with no comments at all! We will definitely come again. There are no disadvantages. All on 5+


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