AMAKS "Novaya Istra" Moscow region
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Reviews | Page 23

We rested for 2 weeks, everything is fine, thank you! I especially note the good work of the service staff! Especially the maid Kristina! Everything is very neat, attentive and very clean! Thank you very much!

Ludmila, Moscow

Vacationed with my family in July 2020. The time is difficult, due to all sorts of restrictive measures. But, despite all the difficulties, there was a very pleasant impression of the rest. The rooms are clean, cozy (special thanks for the quality mattresses on the beds!), neat. The Metsitsinsky building is very good: a large set of medical procedures, professional staff. Children just have plenty of space: playgrounds, bike rental, a swimming pool - in general, as much as the child did not want to go to "your boring sanatorium", he did not want to leave so much. Thanks to all the staff.

Eugenia, Moscow

Good afternoon! In the period from 07.03.2020 to 17.03.2020, we rested at the resort "Novaya Istra". We chose this sanatorium because it presents a suitable treatment program for us, discounts and a wide range of leisure activities. They also gave preference to buffet meals. I liked the new rooms and the luxurious pool. Special thanks to the restaurant staff and animators. The sanatorium also has a polite service staff. We will come again!

Polina, Moscow

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