AMAKS "Novaya Istra" Moscow region
En Ру



Gout is a pathology of the body that leads to the deposition of salts in the tissues of the body. With the manifestation of gout, there is inflammation of the joints, bones, liver, kidneys and ligaments suffer. A sign of gout is a clear manifestation of arthritis attacks with constant pain. 

Gout affects men over 40 years old. Women are six times less.

The first symptoms of the disease appear suddenly. These are characteristic pains in the early and at night. When the disease takes a chronic form, yellow and white nodules form in the joints. They can cause the formation of ulcers and ulcers.

The issue of gout treatment should be approached with all seriousness. It should include complex therapy. 

We offer spa treatment for gout in our resort complex "Novaya Istra". This is the leading health resort in Moscow and the Moscow region. Effective treatment is provided by our highly qualified medical staff.

There are several variants of the course of gout:

  • Easy. Arthritis attacks are observed 1-2 times a year. The kidneys are not affected.
  • Average. A maximum of five attacks of arthritis per year. Kidney stones appear.
  • Heavy. More than five attacks of arthritis a year. There is multiple joint damage. 

It is necessary to monitor the state of your health at any age. But elderly people are susceptible to this disease. Choose the treatment of gout in a sanatorium. We offer people of the older generation a 15% discount on sanatorium-resort vouchers from 12 days. 

Treatment of chronic gouty arthritis is aimed at improving the outcomes of the disease. To do this, a medical method is used. It is not recommended to treat gout independently, without the supervision of doctors. 

The sanatorium where gout is treated is ready to receive visitors. The complex treatment also includes the recreational resources of our Resort. One of them is a unique healing water, which is extracted from the sanatorium's own well.

Take care of your health and instill this useful habit to your loved ones. Purchase a gift certificate on the website of our resort complex "Novaya Istra". 



To the Deputy General Director for Medicine
Elistratova Marina Vladimirovna

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