Osteoporosis is a chronic skeletal disease that manifests itself in other diseases. Bone density decreases and the risk of fracture increases.
Primary osteoporosis.
Primary osteoporosis is observed in 85% of the population. There is a decrease in bone density. It is characterized by fractures of the bones of the distal forearm. It can be found in women suffering from estrogen deficiency. It appears in age due to loss of bone mass. Even children and young people have this ailment.
Secondary osteoporosis
Secondary osteoporosis overtook the remaining 15%. The causes of its secondary appearance may be: calcium deficiency, diabetes, surgical treatment of obesity, etc. This list is very large.
It is sad to realize that at some point each of us can be taken by surprise by this disease. Therefore, it is important to prevent osteoporosis. And you can pass it in the leading health resort in Moscow and the Moscow region - AMAKS Resort "Novaya Istra". Spa treatment of osteoporosis takes place within our walls under the strict supervision of highly qualified medical staff.
In our sanatorium there is a device for the treatment of osteoporosis. Effective treatment is a magnetic device that prevents osteoporosis from developing. After its use, blood microcirculation improves, tissue edema passes, pain syndrome decreases, and the metabolic process in bone tissues improves.
Treatment of osteoporosis in a sanatorium is a good investment in your health. We offer people of the older generation a 15% discount on sanatorium-resort vouchers from 12 days.
Treatment of osteoporosis is a sensitive topic. The main thing is to entrust the diagnosis of osteoporosis to experienced doctors who will choose the right treatment.
AMAKS Resort "Novaya Istra" offers its regular guests a loyalty program in which it is very easy to take part.
To do this, enter your card number in the "Enter promo code" field
If your loved ones have a similar health problem, then give them a ticket to a sanatorium for the treatment of osteoporosis.