AMAKS "Novaya Istra" Moscow region
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Reviews | Page 6

A wonderful place! Really rest your soul and body. Separately, I would like to mention the very polite and friendly staff of the medical reception and nurses. The salt pool is a feature of the sanatorium, I really liked it. The territory is quite spacious, there is an exit to a small river. There was live music in the restaurant on Friday.


A wonderful resort, we have been with my daughter many times and every time we return again and again to Amaks Istra)! Wonderful territory, well-groomed, thought out for leisure of adults and children, every age will find a comfortable recreation area. Aqua center is our everything, we love the pool is spacious, clean in good condition, friendly staff and a sense of comfort, slide, Jacuzzi, saunas what else can you think about - super!!!!! The dining room is perfectly clean, the staff is Mega friendly, the quality of the dishes is excellent. We love the resort of Istra very much and we will be glad to come at any free time.


The resort is simply beyond praise! We stopped by with my husband, a three-month-old baby and a cat on a spa tour for 9 days. If at first it may seem that there are not enough procedures included and you want to buy something, believe me - this is a false feeling, there are just enough procedures! I honestly did not expect such a quick recovery! It's also great that there is an application in which you can track your schedule of procedures and not carry (and inevitably lose in my case) paper printouts I will not repeat myself about the staff, food and territory - everything has already been said in previous reviews! In short, now we are thinking of joining the loyalty program and coming here with our camp as often as possible!


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