AMAKS "Novaya Istra" Moscow region
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Hobbit Land Quest Park

The most magical adventure that can only be done at the Novaya Istra Resort is an adventure in the Hobbit Land Quest Park!
Middle–earth is a magical land filled with wonders and secrets. In order to help the main character Frodo, you need to pass all the tests!
  1. Meeting with Gandalf (It is necessary to collect images of household items from cubes that are located near Bilbo's house)
  2. Getting to know Bilbo (It is necessary to collect hints – lights with words)
  3. Stop in front of a Talking tree
  4. Go to the maze
  5. Get a code word
  6. Defeat the Orc
  7. Open the Morder Gate. Extinguish the eye.
Try your luck in the quest park "Hobbit Land" of the resort "Novaya Istra"!
Gallery with photos.Photos in attachments.
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